A Special Day in the Social History of Merthyr Tydfil

by Mary Owen

On this day in 1896, an extraordinary event occurred in the ‘urban district’ of Merthyr Tydfil: The County Intermediate and Technical School opened for work. Parliament had not yet recognised Merthyr as a proper ‘town’ but it had recognised the need for Welsh boys and girls to further their school studies until the age of eighteen and even to set their sights on a university education, if desired. These were children of working-class and small businessmen parents who could not afford the luxury of private or public- school tuition for their offspring. The school opened without ceremony but in a formal gathering in January 1897 Professor Villiamu Jones, Principal of University College, Cardiff, ended his inaugural speech, hoping that many Merthyr pupils would pass into that college in the future. Over seven decades a fair number did just that.

The curriculum planned for the new secondary stage -‘county intermediate’ schools – in   deprived, industrial areas of Wales was based on that of older grammar and public schools. They soon became known as county ‘grammar’ schools. Merthyr’s school was equipped to take in 100 boys and 80 girls who would pay a small fee. The knowledge of its young people broadened and their quality of life improved. Sadly, many children were not touched by this new venture and still left school at twelve, or earlier, usually because they had to, in order to earn a pittance – often down the mines – to boost the family income. The luckier ones, among whom were budding scholars, knew that a place in the school was a gift; some began to cherish ambitions of going to the new university colleges at Aberystwyth or Cardiff. Parents usually supported those youngsters even though it would mean seeing them leave home eventually – and possibly forever. Attendance numbers fluctuated but most pupils accepted that the new system of extra years and important exams would bring rewards.

Photo courtesy of the Alan George archive.

J.O. (John Oswald) Francis entered the school, at the age of fourteen, on the day it opened. He lived above his father’s farrier shop in 41, High Street, opposite the Baptist Chapel. He excelled at his studies and became a distinguished London dramatist, public speaker and broadcaster. When he left Merthyr at the age of eighteen his memories of the lively town stayed with him and inspired him to write plays and stories for nearly half a century. This is what he told wireless (radio!) listeners about the school in a B.B.C broadcast in the 1950s:

From St David’s School I went to the Higher Gradeschool in Caedraw. For boys whose parents did not send them away to school-and very few parents in Merthyr sent their children away for education- the Higher Grade was the limit the town offered us and it could not offer us much because it wasn’t linked to a university. For a boy who wanted to go on learning, Merthyr was a blind alley, a dead end. Then a rumour came flying about amongst us boys- flying for some of us like a bird with bright wings- a new kind of school was to be opened in Merthyr – a County Intermediate School that would provide secondary education up to quite a high level. And what a blessing the school was to Merthyr! What a blessing it was to me! I was young enough – and only just young enough – to take advantage of the new system. Had I been a year or two older I should have had to stay outside that learned paradise, looking rather hungrily at the gates that were closed against me. I was only a slip of a lad but I had enough sense to see what had happened. Merthyr was no longer a dead end. Merthyr was opportunity. I went for the opportunity with eager hands. At the end of my time at the County School I passed the Central Welsh Board’s examination and -manna from heaven! – I was awarded a County Exhibition of forty pounds a year. That was quite a big sum in those years and it eased my way to Aberystwyth to study for a university degree.

Fifty years on, as Francis made his way up to the school, during a visit to Merthyr, he mused on the opportunities his education had brought him:

 I am one of those lucky people…I realised more clearly than ever how much I owed to the school… I made bold to go in. I found the headmaster, Dr Lewis, who received me with great kindness. We talked together and he went off and came back with a big, brown, covered book. ‘This book is a permanent register of pupils who have been at the school’, he said. ‘I’ll show you your name.’ He opened the book and my name, written in full, was on the first page That got me all warmed up with sentiment… Then Dr Lewis took me to see the Honours Board on which were set out the names of pupils, who had won academic distinction. And there in the glory of gilt lettering, was a record of my having taken a B.A. degree-a degree I went off to work for in Aberystwyth fifty-five years ago.

Francis also hints in one of his stories that he was aware that although some pupils enjoyed the new subjects like Latin and French, they didn’t stay on, having been persuaded by proud collier fathers that their future was in coal-mining.

Others reminisce on past times at the school, now demolished, but of blessed memory:

Ceinwen Jones (now Statter), writes: I went to The County from Penydarren School in 1954. After the Easter holiday the whirlwind that was Glynne Jones arrived to teach us music. He changed my life! He set up a choir when about half the school came back (out of uniform) on Friday evenings. We went on to sing works like The Messiah. Thanks to some excellent teaching I went to Cardiff University to study French and Italian and then trained as a journalist on the Western Mail and Echo. Although being away in Reading for over forty years I have never been out of touch with friends like Sandra Williams, Merryl Robbins, Helen O’Connor and the sadly missed Valerie Baker and Byron Jones.

County School Choir. Photo courtesy of Ceinwen Statter

Ian Hopkins, a former Head Boy (1959-1960), also went on to Cardiff – to take a B.Sc. degree. He returned to Merthyr for long service in teaching and in choral activities: I entered the County Grammar School in 1953 and spent seven happy years there. Two of the teachers – without belittling the others – had a profound effect on my life, viz Elwyn Thomas (Head of Maths) and the inimitable Glynne Jones. The school choir was more than merely a musical organisation: Friday evening 6.00 pm rehearsal was the focal point of the social life of the school. Glynne engendered in me, and in many of the others, a love of choral music that has endured. In the heyday of the Dowlais Male Choir a disproportionate number of members had sung in Glynne’s school choirs.

The school had a three-form entry, one Boys, one Girls and one Mixed. Segregation of the sexes was strict with a boys’ corridor and a girls’ corridor. My memories include playing fives – the fives courts were unique for schools in our area- playing rugby for the school teams and football in the school yard.

One story: when I was in Form 2 there was a heavy fall of snow and a number of us were throwing snowballs in the classroom. Mr Thomas came in and demanded to know who was responsible. Some confessed and were given detention. Others, including me, did not- the fear of Elwyn was the beginning of wisdom! Later that afternoon, I encountered him in town and confessed and asked that my name be added to the detention list. But when the list was called out later in the week, not one of the miscreants was on it. From then on, Elwyn Thomas could do no wrong in my eyes. Perhaps that’s why I became a Maths teacher!

Many others who followed similar or different paths as adults will, no doubt, have lasting memories of ‘The County’.

The school was closed and demolished in the 1970s and the site acquired for new housing. Regrettably, and shameful to report, few records of its existence and of its countless pupils remain. It has been said that ‘even the revered Honours Board ended up on a skip’- evidently unwanted in the new replacement ‘comprehensive’ school at the top of town, part of the most recent parliamentary plan for secondary education.

Nevertheless, some facts and figures survive in an old almanack, published by the Merthyr Express at the end of 1896.It contains an invaluable review of the development of education in Merthyr from the 1840s; this ends with the then most recent step in that development – The County Intermediate School and an insight into the local efforts that were made to achieve it. It was written by Mr E. Stephens, Clerk of the Board of Education in Merthyr Tydfil. The subject of improved secondary schooling for pupils up to the age of eighteen, had been discussed over decades in Parliament, where it was championed by Henry Austin Bruce, MP for Merthyr Tydfil, (future Lord Aberdare) and at the Glamorgan County Education Department in Cardiff. A new century was nigh before it materialised:

The question of Welsh Intermediate Education excited as deep an interest at Merthyr as it did in other parts of Wales and no time was lost in taking measures to secure the boon conferred by the Act of Parliament (i.e. The Welsh Intermediate Education Act of 1889) for the creation of these schools. On the 18th of November that year, a conference was held at the Board Room of the Workhouse, over which Mr W. Morgan JP, then High Constable, presided. It was decided to ask the County Committee to make Merthyr a centre for one of the schools- to accommodate 100 boys and 80 girls… After much negotiation a site embracing two acres of freehold land was finally secured in the Clock Field at Penydarren for £1200, Colonel Morgan, the owner, contributing £300 out of the amount for the building fund. A public meeting, in aid of the scheme was held at the Temperance Hall on March 20th 1891, Lord Aberdare presiding. A premium of £25 was offered for the successful plan, but the one chosen, by a Mr Crombie of London, proved to be far too expensive. The committee then obtained a second competition, on the basis of £25 per head. The plan of Mr E. Lingen Barker of Hereford was selected. The tender of Mr J. Williams of Swansea was accepted for the erection of the schools, but before the buildings were completed and opened for scholars the planned cost had run up to £6,198 3s 2d of which the architect received £464 14s 6d; the clerk of works £128  6s and the contractors the balance. Of this account £1,557 2s was raised by local subscriptions and the county fund provided the rest. (The fifty donors and the amounts donated are listed).

Alderman Thomas Williams JP is the chairman of the local governing body and the following comprise the teaching staff of the schools. Headmaster, Mr Charles Owen M.A. salary £100 a year with a capitation of £2 per year on each boy; first assistant master Mr W.H. Topham M.A., salary £160; second assistant master, Mr A.J. Perman M.A., salary £130; first mistress, Miss Edith Heppel who won a B.A. degree at Oxford but did not receive it as that university does not confer degrees upon women, salary £180 a year; second mistress, Miss Kate Thomas, salary £100 a year. The schools were opened for work on October 12th 1896, but a ceremonial opening is to take place on January 11th, 1897.

The school (i.e. pupils, staff and buildings) established itself in the Clock Field just before the start of the 20th century, in the soon-to-be-incorporated ‘town’ of Merthyr Tydfil.

Photo courtesy of the Alan George Archive

Mary Owen.

Who attended the former Port Talbot County Intermediate School (1945- 52)

With thanks to Betty Harrington for the gift of the almanack, and to Ceinwen Statter, Ian Hopkins and the late J.O. Francis for the memories.

Mildred Lewis – the Welsh Nightingale

by J Ann Lewis

Mildred Lewis, known as the ‘Welsh Nightingale’ due to her beautiful soprano voice, was born in 1911 in White Street, Dowlais. Her voice was trained to perfection under the tuition of the well-known musician W. J. Watkins, and his advice helped form her singing career.

Her father, a miner in Fochriw, sang with the Dowlais Male Voice Choir, and both her mother and brother, Gilbert, were gifted singers. Living in this environment, she was taught to read music as a child, but Mildred had little formal schooling due to contracting Tubercular Hip at the age of five. She walked with the aid of sticks for the rest of her life, but it never stopped her singing at the ‘Penny Readings’ or the Eisteddfodau.

Whilst competing at the City Hall, Cardiff, she was heard by Mae Jones, Head of Variety at the BBC, and was invited to sing for them, performing on a regular basis for many years, at one time singing with Kathleen Ferrier. She also won the National Eisteddfod in 1938.

Mildred married steel worker Gwynne Lewis in 1935. Many musical evenings were held at her home at Francis Terrace, Pant, when many friends joined her, and the late Glynne Jones, Musical Director of the Pendyrus Male Choir would often accompany their singing.

As a member of E.N.S.A. (Entertainments National Service Association), she travelled around Britain during the Second World War, helping boost the morale of the troops. After the war, she took a job at Teddington’s Factory, and following the death of her husband in 1958, she lived alone for two years until her niece, Dyfanwen, moved in with her following the early death of her parents.

Mildred spent her later years at Ty Bryn Sion, and, when well enough, continued to sing at local chapels. She passed away in August 1993.

A Tribute to Glynne Jones part 2

Carl Llewellyn continues his tribute to Glynne Jones with an account of the concert held his memory:

On the 11 May 2002, at Beulah English Baptist Chapel, Dowlais, the Dowlais Male Choir organized a memorial concert to Glynne Jones, with sponsorship by the Arts, Culture and Tourism section of the Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council, with all concert proceeds going to the Pendyrus Trust Fund.

The concert began with an introduction by the Dowlais Choir’s chairman Grahame Clarke, who then introduced the evening’s compère –  the late Janice Rowlands, wife of Ted Rowlands, MP; a lady with great talent and charisma, who enlightened the audience with her charm and repartee. She gave a descriptive account of the artists and their musical items. The Dowlais Male Choir sang a number of items including the Easter Hymn from Mascagni’s Cavalleria Rusticana with Zoe Perman singing the solo part.

There were two groups of children taking part; first the Gwenllwyn School Choir followed by Ysgol Santes Tudful Recitation Party. Both groups entertained the audience with their songs and recitations. It was interesting hearing Ysgol Santes Tudful perform the story of Branwen taken from the Mabinogion.  The violinist Paul Horner and the cellist Ciaran Jenkins also performed – they were associated with Glynne, who’d recognized their musical talent.

Janice Rowlands made reference to the children’s message sent on 18 May, known as Good Will Day, when BBC Wales transmitted a message of peace and hope to children of all countries around the world in 12 languages. It was a joy to hear the 2002 message spoken in Welsh and English.

The chairman of Pendyrus Male Choir, Creighton Lewis gave a tribute to Glynne on behalf of Pendyrus Male Choir, and he explained how the Pendyrus Trust Fund would help young musicians – it was decided set up a conductor scholarship, for musicians who wanted to pursue a musical career in conducting and it was an interesting sight seeing a model of Glynne Jones with his baton fabricated out of music paper, the paper image being made by the children of Ysgol Santes Tudful.

It gave Janice Rowlands great pleasure to introduce Dr Terry James, for Dr James comes from Kidwelly – the Janice’s hometown, who reminded the audience that the mother of Wales’ greatest composer Dr Joseph Parry also came from Kidwelly. Dr James is a wonderful raconteur, and with his manner and humorous antidotes he began relating about his personal connection with Glynne Jones.

Dr James began by reflecting that in his memories of Glynne Jones the letter “C” kept coming to mind, mentioning the character, the charisma, and the caring nature of Glynne, giving an account of his reasons for using the letter “C”. Glynne could be flamboyant and an entertaining character, he was man of presence someone who could not be missed, with a passion for projecting the musical talent of young prodigies.

When Dr James returned after living in the USA for 15 years, he met Glynne who commented, “What has happened to your ginger hair locks? With your white beard and thin white hair you look like a prophet after he’d been in the wilderness”.

At one Eisteddfod where Pendyrus Male Choir competed, Dr Terry James was the adjudicator. He was so impressed with the performance he gave Pendyrus the first prize and made some glowing comments about the performance. The following week Dr James received a card through the post card that read “I totally agree with all your comments, Glynne”. Lastly, he related a story about when Pendyrus organized an Australian tour. There are about 100 to sheep to each person in Australia, and when Glynne addressed one of the concert audiences, he referred to the sheep saying that they reminded him that you can beat bit of Welsh Lamb.

It was an added bonus for the choir and congregation when Dr James conducted one of the communal hymns, and accompanied the last hymn on the organ. The Musical Director of Dowlais Choir, Gareth Ellis was not able to be present at the concert, but the baton was in the capable hand of the deputy conductor, Stewart Roberts, who was ably assisted by David Last. The honoured guests were Mrs. Margaret Evans and Mrs. Margaret (Peg) Maliphant sister and cousin of Glynne Jones; Ted Rowlands and Dr Terry James. The present conductor of Pendyrus, John Samuel and his wife Olive were also present – ‘John Sam’ having the benefit of conducting both choirs.

The concert was a fitting tribute to a local musician who had become a notable figure in the Welsh musical world.


A Tribute to Glynne Jones

Following on from his post on D T Davies, Carl Llewellyn has posted a tribute to another of Merthyr’s musical legends – Glynne Jones

Gofio un o Feibion Enwog Dowlais
by Carl Llewellyn

I would like to pay a small tribute to Glynne Jones a local character and a well-known musician through out the principality and beyond.

Glynne Jones was born on 7 November 1927 at No 3, Glendower Street, Dowlais, the home of his grandparents David & Margaret Jones, who originally kept a small shop on Pant Road near to the La Bodega restaurant, but known to locals as the Slipper. Glynne was the eldest son of David and Annie May Jones, and was brought up with his younger brother Degwel, and sister Margaret.

The Jones family were staunch members of Moriah Welsh Baptist Chapel, that once stood in Mount Pleasant Street, Dowlais. Sadly like most chapels the building is no more. Glynne’s religious background was nurtured at home with his father and an uncle, both deacons in Moriah Chapel. With Glynne’s musical talent it was no surprise when he became the chapel organist, a post he held from 1940 until 1963.

Educated at Cyfarthfa Castle Grammar School later becoming a graduate of the University College Cardiff, after his national service days, he became music master at the Old County Grammar School, where he formed a children’s choir to sing Handel’s Messiah. Glynne conducted the Merthyr Philharmonic Choir 1955-1961. Following early success with the Merthyr Philharmonic Choir and the Silurian Singers he became the Musical Director of Pendyrus Male Choir in 1962.

He was appointed Musical Adviser for Monmouthshire in 1965 and became Senior Music Adviser for Gwent from 1973 to 1990. Among his many achievements can be listed: prestigious conducting engagements on three continents; numerous radio and television broadcasts in Welsh and English; the musical direction of the BBC film “Off to Philadelphia in the Morning” in 1978, and the establishment of the Newport International Piano Competition.

In 1980 Merthyr Tydfil celebrated the 1500th anniversary of the death of its patron, Saint Tydfil the Martyr. A combined concert with Dowlais, Cefn-Coed, Treharris and Ynysowen Choirs was arranged at the Rhydycar Leisure Center on 5 October. with Glynne Jones being invited as the guest conductor. The guest artists at the concert were Stuart Burrows, tenor; Beti Jones, soprano and Huw Tregelles Williams at the organ.

Glynne’s lifelong commitment to Welsh music in education and the community was recognized by a Fellowship of the Welsh College of Music and Drama in 1994, and the award of the MBE in 1996.

Sadly Glynne died unexpectedly on Christmas Day 2000. In Glynne’s lifetime S4C produced a documentary on his musical background, as a mark of respect it was shown again after his death.


Please check back soon for Carl Llewellyn’s account of Glynne Jones’ memorial service